For the last five years, Desireé Bender, has expressed her enthusiasm for art and learning as an artist, muralist, designer and instructor. With the support of the Mural Arts Program of Philadelphia, Desireé has worked with all ages of Philadelphia’s youth; in after-school programs in elementary schools and young adult with interests in pursuing art. Some of her mural projects include J. Finnegan Rec. Center, Where We Play Together, and The Dream Garden, at the William Bryant Elementary School. Following the success of these murals projects, Desireé Bender became the lead artist and instructor for a unique project titled, Design in Motion: Philadelphia Recycling Trucks. The goal for this project was to distinguish Recycling Trucks from regular trash trucks by covering them with textile designs. The project was a collaboration between the artist Desireé Bender, Philadelphia Streets Department and over 6o students enrolled in an after-school visual arts program called Big Picture. The project was a great success and currently in Philadelphia there is a fleet of 20 Recycling Trucks covered in brightly colored textile designs.
Wow, impressive.